Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Bitch - Wine - 07, Feb - 01Image by sebastien.b via Flickr

So I think that's its time that I give everybody an idea of how hectic college can be sometimes...

So it's obviously been quite a while since I've posted, and I apologize for that but hey cut a guy some slack sometimes. I work and go to school. That's not that big of a deal, but sometimes other things get involved like my rommate's bitch. She was his girlfriend when we moved in and everybody understood that and tried to be hospitable. However, within a week we learned that she wasn't just the average girlfriend. She had him wrapped around her finger like you wouldn't believe and it was horrific to watch. She would borrow his car when he needed it and not return it, she would come over for a nice night, drink 10 times faster than anybody in the greater Lexington area and get hammered leaving my roommate to apologize for all of the snobby, bitch ass things she would say. It was horrific. One night she borrowed his car around 9 and said that she was going over a friends house. So apparently around 2 that morning he wakes up one of my other rommates saying I don't know where **** is with my car. So they call, and call, and call her until they finally reach her around 4 in the morning and she is at a guys house too drunk to drive the car home and so she says that she'll just bring it back in the morning even though he has class early. He takes it and somehow she turns that around on him making him feel like he was wrong for being mad at her for essentially using his car to go get in trouble with another guy. So long story short, things like this continuously happen until the weekends when she would go home and my roommate would be free to be his normal, happy, content self. On the weekends he was the fun guy that we all went to high school with, but once she got back into town he'd tuck his tail in-between his tail and just take whatever she felt like dishing to him.
Finally a break comes, last week she decided that he didn't care enough for her and just dumped him out of the blue leaving him heartbroken but relieved, and her without somebody to drive her places (because she doesn't have a car), a place to do laundry (on our utility bill), or a shower to put her shampoo, conditioner, and body wash in (all of which I urinated in). So for the past week we've been hearing the whole I'm so happy I don't know why I ever stayed with that Bitch speech and it was almost believable and I probably would have believed it had I not seen my friend do the same thing over and over again. As soon as she called saying that she wanted to hang out again, he's suddenly the bad guy in the relationship, it was all his fault because he made her feel bad sometimes (like when he was irritated when she used his property without asking), and he just really thinks she's not a bad person. Long story short she's back over at our apartment helping him with his "Chemistry Homework", even though I've taken the class he's taking and the one after that and our other roommate has taken the same class too. I want to tell my friend sometimes what an idiot he is and how wrong he is, but I can't bring myself to be honest (an asshole) to him. So I guess until I grow some balls and risk making my friend mad at me, I'm more than likely going to be stuck with a Bitch as my 5th roommate. Did I mention that she's a Bitch?
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