Monday, June 29, 2009

Internet Poker

I WinImage by Kevin Labianco via Flickr

Is anybody else out there a poker enthusiast? Well if you are like me and a growing percentage of Americans, you enjoy sitting down, having a few beers (or not) and trying your luck in a friendly game of Texas Hold Em' with the guys.
Lately I decided that I would try my hand at this whole internet poker craze that has been hitting pretty hard lately. Before you decide that you should spend some of your hard earned cash on some internet poker, let me point out a few things that I have learned.

1. The first rule of any sort of gambling is that you should never spend any money that is already needed in another area such as rent money, credit card bills, etc.

2. Don't go into poker expecting to walk out a winner. Poker is a game, and should be treated as such. If you think that Poker is going to make you rich or help you support your income, than you shouldn't really be gambling your money in the first place.

3. Say what you want to say, but poker is a game of luck! If you are holding pocket aces, somebody, can hit a gut shot straight on the the flop and you'll be beat with 2 rounds of betting left. So be cautious and don't put out more than you can happily (or afford) to lose.

With that being said I would just like to tell everybody that poker is a wonderful game which can make you broke, but at the same time one hand can make you a weeks paycheck or more. I have yet to see any return on my investment, but have come close to hitting a big payday a couple of times. I guess just enough to keep me coming back for more. So to all out there with me in the virtual casino, good cards and good luck (unless you're playing me).

P.S. If anybody out there plays on Pokerstars or Fulltilt, hit me up for a private game or something. My Id is Taiza67 on both.

P.S.S. Apparently now Poker is a sport in Russia...who knew?
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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

FIrst Blog Posting

I must admit that I am new at this whole blog thing, though I have followed a few various blogs in the past. has to be my favorite just because they are all goofy and immature just like myself, but they still get their points across and keep you informed on all of the latest info pertaining to the University of Kentucky's popular athletics.
I'm not really sure what I should be saying in this first post other than I am excited to have the opportunity to do this and am hoping to make this thing a success.